The Emergency Therapy Index

Not the endangered state of a patient (diagnostic aspect, possibly without the therapy which is required) but the treatment, what is actually done for the patient, should be graduated in order to describe the value of a rescue service. For this purpose, the ETI was developed:

0 No medical examination or other measures 
    (includes termination of mission before arrival of the EP)
1 Determination of death without the EP's prior therapy
    (includes CPR through paramedics before the EP's arrival)
2 Medical examination without therapy
3 Prophylactical therapy  (e.g., anticonvulsive prophylaxis, i.v. line)
4 Therapy, not directed against vital threat (vital threat may exist)
5 Constant monitoring (medical surveillance) necessary due to 
   suspected threat to life (e.g., by entrapment only on-site) 
   or during transport due to potential dangers)
6 Therapy directed against vital threat to life or
6B  risk of invalidity (e.g., spinal injury, amputation)
7 Endotracheal intubation and/or anaesthesia and/or operative 
   invasion (e.g pleural drainage)
Anaesthesia without intubation
Operative invasion without general anaesthesia
8 Defibrillation and/or cardiac massage before admission
9 Defibrillation and/or cardiac massage, death without admission

The  Emergency Therapy Index [ETI].

Schou J. Emergency Therapy Index for Classification of missions in pre-hospital emergency medicine. Theor Surg 1989;4:190-9.

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