Cluster-Bombs also Landmines?
the American-English-Iraqi War 1993, a
large number of socalled “cluster-bombs” were utilized by the
allied forces.
These shells explode with a distribution of fragments over as much as
2,400 m2,
and they can hardly be regarded a military weapon, as most of its
victims are
civilians. Moreover, the cluster-bombs have a high failure rate of up
to 50%
and they are easily confused with the packets for emergency food supply
(of the
same colour). Thus, unexploded munition waits for civilian victims
(predominantly children) to enter their trap.
Moreover, other malicies are
threatening Iraqui civilians. Since
the first Iraqui war in 1991, a
large number of uranium-enriched
were utilized for the purpose of increasing their penetration. Similar
were distributed over
Towards the end of
their lawless aggression towards Lebanon in July-August 2006, the
Israeli army distributed ~2 million clusterbomblets in South Lebanon,
the majority within the last two days as was already clear that there
should be an armistice. It is estimated that 40% did not instantly
explode. The IDF also admitted to
having used chemical warfare with white phosphour (as used by the
Americans in Falludja 2004) but claimed that also this was no war
crime. What is it, then?
A study, which was financed by the Norwegian government in 2006 - the first to document the impact of cluster munitions on people in all 24 countries and regions known to be affected by these weapons - showed that 98% of cluster bomb victims are civilians. The International Red Cross started a campaign for prohibiting the cluster-bombs, an initiative 18 civilized countries immediately supported (but unfortunately not the warrier nations).
Updated May 23, 2009