J. Schou: Publications since 1985

1. Original Investigations:

1.1 Schou J, Atanassoff P. Prämedikation mit Midazolam in der Kinderanästhesie. Kinderarzt 1986;17:326-9.

1.2 Schou J, Scherb M. Postoperative saggital sinus thrombosis following spinal anesthesia. Anesth. Analg. 1985;65:541-2.

1.3 Knaack-Steinegger R, Schou J: Therapie der paradoxen Reaktion nach Midazolam zur Regionalanästhesie. Anaesthesist 1987;36:143-6.

1.4 Schou J. Emergency Therapy Index for Classification of missions in pre-hospital emergency medicine. Theoretical Surgery 1989;4:190-9.

1.5 Schou J, Kübler J, Cartellieri M. Die "Doppelmaske". Anaesthesist 1990;39: 122-4.

1.6 Schou J, Deklerk J. Nalbuphin in der Notfallmedizin. AINS 1991;26(Beil.5):S3-6.

1.7 Schou J, Wehrle A. Pathological findings by epidurography following long-term opioid catheter analgesia. The Pain Clinic 1991;4:209-15.

1.8 Hauss F. Munting WR, Schou J. Die isolierte Korakoidfraktur. Chir Praxis 1991;44:311-8.

1.9 Schou J, Hepperle F. Pneumothorax und Herzstillstand als Komplikation der post-operativen nasopharyngealen Sauerstoff-applikation. Anaesthesist 1992;41:208-9.

1.10 Schou J. Changing Concepts of Anaesthesia. Theor Surg 1992;7:95-103.

1.11 Schou J, Kübler J, Knaack R. Einfluß von Etomidat auf die oberen Atemwegsreflexe. Anästhesiologie und Reanimation 1992;18:67-76.

1.12 Schou J, Kübler J, Scherb M. Induktives Monitoring zur Beurteilung und Pro-pyhlaxe psychischer Störungen auf der Intensiv-station. Intensivmed 1992;29(Suppl):67-71.

1.13 Schou J, Deklerk J, Scherb M, Kübler J. Antagonisierung in der Notfallmedizin. Intensivmed 1993;30:28-32.

1.14 Schou J. Update on prehospital care. Curr Opinion Anaesth 1994;7:191-8.

1.15 Schou J. Three techniques for prehospital emergency anaesthesia. JEUR 1994;3:139-45.

1.16 Schou J. Verlängerte Wirkung von Benzodiazepinen. Mediscus 1995;Heft 1:8-10.

1.17 Schou J. Traps and errors in the emergency room diagnosis and management of trauma patients. Eur J Emerg Med 1995;2:227-30.

1.18 Schou J, Deklerk J, Scherb M, Kübler J. Antagonism vs. ventilation in drug overdose. JEUR 1995;8:136-9.

1.19 Schou J. Major interventions in the field stabilization of trauma patients: what is possible? Eur J Emerg Med 1996;3:221-4.

1.20 Schou J, Ginz HF. Interaction of muscular relaxants is potentially useful. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1997;41:87-9.

1.21 Hubmann W, Schou J, Henche HR. Sehnenver-la-gerung am Hüftgelenk in Periduralanalgesie mit erhal-tener Motorik und Tiefenempfindung. Orthop Praxis 1997;33:205-8.

1.22 Schou J, Hauser E, Schreiner W. Use of non-pneumatic antishock garments for ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Eur J Emerg Med 1997;4:169-71.

1.23 Coupland RM and the SIrUS Project Group. Towards a determination of which weapons cause "superfluous injury or unneccessary suffering". Publication of the ICRC, Genéve 1997, 44 pp. ICRC: issues

1.24 Schou J. Etomidate for prehospital emergency anesthesia. TraumaCare 1998;8 (Suppl.):9-11.

1.25 Tolksdorf W, Schou J, Brenneisen A. Untersuchung zur Prämedikation in Deutschland 1998. Anästh Intensivmed 1999;40:72-6.

1.26 Schou J. Midazolam and flumazenil for prehospital use. TraumaCare 1999;9(Suppl.):7-9.

1.27 Schou J. Duration and type of prehospital emergency therapy. Eur J Emerg Med, 1999;6:185-92.

1.28 Schou J. Delayed mobilisation of the emergency physician in prehospital missions. Eur J Emerg Med, 1999;6:(in print).

1.29 Schou J, Ginz HF, Herion H-P, Huck D, Blum R, Fehlmann R, Ummenhofer W. Abdominal haemorrhage - a preventable cause of death after field stabilization? Resuscitation 2000:43:185-93.

1.30 Schou J. Midazolam and flumazenil for prehospital emergency use (=1.26). Australas J Emerg Care 1999;6,3:18-20.

1.31 Schou J, Kiermayer H, Ummenhofer W, Herion H-P. In Search of the Most Suitable Technique for Truncal Spinal Immobilization with Associated Radiography. Eur J Emerg Med 2001;8:89-92.

1.32 Schou J. Le pantalon anti-choc (PAC): A t-il encore sa place dans le contrôle des hémorragies? Urgence Pratique 2002;55:49-51.

See also separate quotations on publications concerning

Scientific Quotations
2. Essays, letters, editorials:

2.1 Schou J., Kübler J, Cartellieri M. Erwiderungen zu Bemerkungen von E. Watzek et al. Anaesthesist 1990;39:425.

2.2 Schou J. Richtlinien - für die Erstellung und Einhaltung von Richtlinien in der Notfallmedizin. Notfallmedizin 1992;18:10-11.

2.3 Schou J. Standardisierte Funkrufnamen - sinnvolle Normierung oder Bundeseinheitlicher Blödsinn? Rettungsdienst 1992;15:304.

2.4 Schou J. Guidelines for the use of guidelines (editorial). Prehosp Disaster Med 1993;8:19-20.

2.5 Schou J. Nasotracheal vs. orotracheal intubation - a balanced conclusion? Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 1994;38:192-3 2.6 Schou J. Prehospital "trauma anesthesia" or "emergency anesthesia"? ITACCS Newsletter 1994;4(4):20-2.

2.7 Schou J. Forbedring af kvaliteten af den præhospitale redningstjeneste. Akuttjournalen 1995;2/1:14-6.

2.8 Schou J. Beware of the silent X-ray death! ITACCS Newsletter 1995;5,1:12.

2.9 Schou J. Field stabilization - is it worth the trouble? ITACCS Newsletter 1995;5,2:27-30.

2.10 Schou J. Maximum vs. optimum in prehospital emergency care - a call for compromise (editorial). JEUR 1995;8:125-6.

2.11 Schou J. ITACCS recommendations for organization of prehospital trauma care in developing nations. JEUR 1995;8:149-50.

2.12 Schou J. Swiss Air Rescue. unique in worldwide rescue services. ITACCS Newsletter 1996;6,1:34-5.

2.13 Schou J. Primære nasotrakeale intubation - relikvie fra fortiden eller et brugeligt alternativ i den præhospitale anæstesi? Akuttjournalen 1996, Heft 2:40-5.

2.14 Schou J. The special disaster - and the generel one. ITACCS Newsletter 1996;6,1:25-6.

2.15 Schou J. REGA. Akuttjournalen 1996, Heft 3:21-5.

2.16 Schou J. Improvement of prehospital trauma care: the single case and the randomized study (editorial). Eur J Emerg Med 1996;3:219-20.

2.17 Schou J. An anesthetist - prehospitally? TraumaCare 1996;6:24.

2.18 (anonymous)

2.19 Schou J. Ban prehospital randomized studies. Eur J Emerg Med 1997;4:174-5.

2.20 Camporesi E, Schou J. Are randomized studies necessary in prehosital emergency medicine? Pro-&-Con. TraumaCare 1997;7:69-70.

2.21 Schou J. Preventable errors - an audit of trauma care quality? TraumaCare 1997;7:62.

2.22 Schou J. Prehospital research and clinical decision-making. Eur J Emerg Med 1998;5:74.

2.23 Schou J. In the shadows of guideline medicine. Intensive Care World 1999;14:190-1.

2.24 Nasotracheal intubation - still an option? TraumaCare 1999;9:76.

2.25 Schou J. Awareness in anaesthesia. Lancet 2000:355;1723.

2.26 Schou J. Modern Research and Its Victims. BMJ electronic letters July 2000.

2.27 Schou J. The Declaration of Helsinki and emergency medicine research (editorial). Eur J Emerg Med 2001;8:167-8.

3. Books and Chapters:

3.1 Schou J. Die intramuskuläre Prämedikation mit Midazolam, in: Neue Wege in der Prämedikation (W. Tolksdorf, F.-J. Kretz, J. Prager eds.), Editiones Roche1986.

3.2 Schou J. Anexate in der Notfallmedizin, in: Anexate (Flumazenil). Der erste spezifische Benzodiazepin-Antagonist (W. Tolksdorf, J. Prager, eds.) Roche 1989, P. 103-8.

3.3 Schou J, Knaack-Steinegger R. Ätiologie, Therapie und Prophylaxe der paradoxen Reaktion bei Sedation mit Benzodiazepinen und anderen Tranquilizern, in: Physostigmin und postnarko-tische Vigilanz (G. Tempel, ed.) G. Fischer (Stuttgart, New York) 1989, pp.: 14-18.

3.4 Schou J, Munting R. The terminological confusion in anaesthesiology, in: Memory and Awareness in Anaesthesia (B. Bonke, W. Fitch, K. Millar, eds.) Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam 1990, pp. 353-61.

3.5 Schou J. Klinische Einsatzgebiete für Midazolam (ISBN 3-928811-00-2) 24 pp., 1991.

3.6 Schou J. Prehospital Emergency Medicine - Challenges and Options in Rescue Services (ISBN 3-928811-01-0) Alix Publ. Group, 384 pp., 1992.

3.7 Schou J, Deklerk J. Nalbuphin in der Notfallmedizin. Symposiebuch: Anaesthesie, Intensivbehandlung, Schmerz-therapie (E. Stojanov, J. Jantschulev, G. Tempel, H-J. Schneck, eds.) Verlag Domino, Sofia 1993, pp. 76-82.

3.8 Schou J. Prehospital Emergency Medicine - Challenges and Options in Rescue Services. Books India, 384 pp., 1993.

3.9 Schou J. A Philosophical Approach to Anaesthesia (ISBN 3-928811-05-3), Alix Publ. Group 104 pp, 1994.
A Philosophical Approach to Anaesthesia

3.10 Schou J. Etomidat in der prähospitalen Notfallmedizin. ISBN 3-928811-09-6), Alix Publ. Group, 16 pp, 1997.

3.11 Schou J. Prehospital Emergency Medicine - Challenges and Options in Rescue Services, 2nd Edition. Harwood Academic Publ., Amsterdam B.V. ISBN 90-5702-003-3, 448 pp, 1997.

Prehospital Emergency Medicine, 2nd Ed
3.12a Schou J. ARDS and BIPAP - a case report. (Dräger).

3.12b Schou J. ARDS und BIPAP - ein Fallbericht. (translation). 3.12c Schou J. Mit BIPAP gegen ARDS. Medizin-Technik aktuell (Dräger) 1997,1:12-15.

3.13 Schou J. Scientific Misconduct in Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine - Time for a Change? Proc., 4th Europ. Resuscitation Council 1998;177-80.

3.14 Schou J, Bach V. Præhospitale behandlingssystemer, i: Den Akute Patient (W. Crawford et al., Eds.). FadL's Forlag (Copenhagen) (in preparation).

3.15 Ricard-Hibon A, Schou J: Analgesia, sedation and other pharmacotherapy, in: Prehospital Trauma Care (E. Søreide, CM Grande, eds.), Marcel Dekker (New York, Basel).2001:369-380.

See also Prehospital Trauma Care (Søreide E & Grande CM, eds.)


Not included in this internet listing:

4. Published abstracts

5. Congress lectures

6. Lectures in smaller groups

7. Non-medical publications

(Publications from 1976-84 are not included in any updated listing)

Revised Jan. 28, 2003

Scientific Quotations

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